By Ravena Guron, paperback £8.99,
teen fiction
(reviewed by Emily)

This book captures your emotions right from the beginning, with twist after twist keeping you on edge and every chapter ending with a cliffhanger. Told from multiple perspectives it follows the accounts of three delightfully different girls who spend a night trapped in a mansion with a minimum of one murderer (at least that’s what Devi’s been shouting at anyone who will listen), the girls race to survive the night and figure out the culprit for the death of Emily Vanforte. With hidden passageways that Lizzie will absolutely not be going down thank you very much, until a sound spooks her into running headfirst through them (much to Jayne’s annoyance), and a cast of morally dubious suspects, no one knows the whole story. The real challenge is for you to figure it out before the stories end.