By Megan Hess, hardback £14.99,
picture book 3-5
(reviewed by Polly)

Claris, the chicest mouse in Paris. A little mouse with a flair for fashion, Claris teaches us that no one is too small to achieve their dream. One day Claris is given the opportunity of a lifetime and by just jumping aboard a hot air balloon flown by frogs, she is whisked to Paris and into her dream life. After finding her own house that suits, a tres cute little mouse, Claris experiences the things she’d only read about in Vanity Fair as well as, unfortunately, as meeting the child known as the Brat. Along the way Claris meets lifelong friends whilst exploring the high-end fashion that Paris is so famous for. This book is incredibly charming, with exquisite illustrations and clothes you will adore. I recommend this to anyone with an interest in looking fabulous in Paris.